We had a really great Thanksgiving! It was just a small group of us but it was was kindof nice, we were all able to sit around the dinner table together. We did miss the family that was out of town but we had a nice day. The food was great as always and I was going to be try to be "good" and only eat one slice of pie, but of course that didn't work. The pie is my weakness!!! I justified it because I went to the gym Thanksgiving morning :)
This year we decided to be alittle crazy! Walmart just had the best stuff on sale this year and we wanted to be sure that we got everything that we wanted so we got in line at 9:00 pm on Thanksgiving. (Yes, we are those crazy people that you see on the news the day after thanksgiving frantically grabbing things off the shelves....this is the only day of the year that I allow my claws to come out :) The earliest that we have ever gotten in line is at 12:00 so this was a new record for us :) Anyway, we were prepared this year and brought a tent and two heaters. We played cards, made lots of friends with the other crazy people in line and we really had a great time.
Summer and I were a bit short handed this year so we recruited Toddie to come with us! He was such a good sport! He got our big things that were hard for us to get and really looked like an old pro! He said that he would NEVER do it again, but I think that he had a good time. Thanks Todd!!!
At 5:00 am the madness began! We had a game plan in the works and as the doors opened we went crazy. We were out of the store within 25 minutes with about 4 carts full of stuff. It was total insanity but also alot of fun! I know that it sounds crazy but I really look forward to this day all year long. In fact I am already counting down the days!!! (Not really :)
After all of the shopping we rewarded ourselves with a nice breakfast at IHOP. We met up with Kim, Bettie, Erin and Chelle. After a well deserved breakfast we went home and took a nice long nap. It was heavenly! It was definately a day that I won't forget!