Friday, September 21, 2007
I have been a complete slacker! I have probably clicked on my blog over 10 times this past week and everytime I just can't think of anything to write about. I am also so stumped because my camera is broken, so it's hard when you can't post pictures. Not a whole lot has been going on so I guess that's why I feel like I don't have a lot to write about. I know that I am setting myself up because whenever I say that I don't have alot going on, I seem to get bombarded with stuff. On Tuesday we had a baby shower for Erin. We got together at Mimi's Cafe and ate. It was a fun night out. I hardly ever get to get out on a week night so it was a fun night. Today I am planning on going to the girl's weekend that Summer put together. We are going out to Dana Point and spending the night in a hotel out there. I am should be alot of fun. Other than that life is pretty uneventful :) I am so excited that it is Friday!!! I love Fridays!! Fridays mean date night with Tommy (except for tonite cause I will be at the girls weekend) and I don't have to help Shaun with homework clear until Monday......yahhhhoooooo!!! I swear, I think that I get more excited about no homework then he does :) I do have to say that I don't ever remember getting as much homework as he has when I was in school. I am sure that alot of you can really is crazy! It's not just the homework packet but also the reading, math facts, and ect. ect ect. Anyway it's Friday and I excited!!! Hope everyone has a great weekend!!!
Saturday, September 15, 2007
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
One of those days!!
So have you ever had a day where you just feel like you have done nothing but clean up messes all day?? Well that has been my day today. Bryce has been doing so well with potty training until today. I got home from the gym this morning and started with my cleaning and I hear Bryce calling for me so I go into the living room to see what he needs. He is standing there soaking wet and says "I go pee pee". So I clean him up, scrub the carpet and put clean clothes on him. I get back to my cleaning and about 30 minutes later I smell the nastiest smell. I go into the living room again and there is Bryce buck naked with the diaper wipes trying to clean himself up.....if you can't guess he had gone number 2. I followed the trail of you know what into the playroom and found and even bigger mess then the trail. I of course have to give him a bath, scrub the carpet again and get clean clothes on him. While I am doing this I had put his dirty underware into the toilet to attempt to clean them off enough so that I could wash them and I hear the toilet flush...luckily I made it and got them out before it was too late and before a bigger mess was created. A few hours later Bryce and I go and pick Shaun up from school. We get home and I give Bryce a gogurt and he sits down to watch Finding Nemo. I am in the kitchen helping Shaun with homework and I notice that Bryce is extremely quiet which is never a good sign. I go into the living room and he has finger painted with the gogurt all over my couchs. So once again I have a huge mess to clean up. At this point I really can do nothing but laugh. I was so exhausted from cleaning up messes...gross ones at that, that I just had to stand their and laugh. Anyway, just thought I would share one of the joys of motherhood that we all get to experience. Gotta love it!!
Tuesday, September 4, 2007
Labor Day Weekend

So after we had some nice R&R at Coronado Island, we picked up the kids and headed to the San Onofre State Beach for a weekend of camping. We spent the weekend with Jake and Erin and their kids. It was a blast! We realized that we don't go camping near enough. The kids love being dirty all weekend. They would get filthy dirty and then we would take them down to the beach to get cleaned up a bit :) The first night that we were there the guys (Tommy, Jake and Erik) thought that they would teach the girls how to play some texas hold em'. None of us (the girls) had ever played and we had fun but then they decided to play girls against guys with a wager. The bet was that if we won we got to go out the next day and do alittle shopping without kids and if they won they got to go out and have lunch without wives or kids. So we agreed and guess who won????......thats right girls.... we won!! I can't say that we smoked them but we did win. It was alot of fun and so as promised we got to do our little shopping venture the next day. The guys also had alot of fun surfing. The waves were nice on Monday morning and Tommy was excited that he got to end the trip off on a good note. He did say that he got pumbled by the waves a few times but it was worth it because he got some nice rides in. I do have to say that I think the kids had more fun then any of us. They really enjoyed the entire trip. The only bummer was wouldn't ya know that my camera broke. I did get a few pictures but I was so disappointed because it broke before I could get enough pictures. Hopefully this won't stop me from posting on my blog. I am going to die without my digital though. Maybe I should start hinting right now to Tommy that that is what I want for Christmas :)??? Anyway, here are a few of the pictures that I was able to get while we were camping.
Tommy's 33rd Birthday!!!!

We celebrated Tommy's birthday this weekend. He turned a whopping 33 years old! I like to tease him about his age but then I have to remind myself that for every year he adds, I add a year too....ooohhhh thats not so good! We are gettin old!! Anyway we had a good time. I arranged for us to spend two nights at the Marriot Hotel in Coronado Island. Neither of us had ever been to Coronado and it was so beautiful. Our room was nice and we had a beautiful view of the harbor. The first day we got there pretty late after dropping the kids off with Erik and Chelle (thanks guys!) so we pretty much just hung out around the pool and ate dinner. The next day we went to Old Town San Diego and walked around the shops and ate lunch and then after lunch we headed out to The San Diego Museum to see the Dead Sea Scrolls. It was interesting. We also had a chance to walk around the Museum and check out some of the neat things that were there. It is so funny how much stuff you can get done without kids. We really had a jammed packed day and it was alot of fun. Saturday was check-out day so we spent the morning packing and loading up the car and then we lounged for a few hours around the pool. Two days was definately not long enough but it was nice to get alittle rest and also to be able to remember that there is life beyond kids :) It was a great weekend!
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