Wednesday, August 29, 2007

"Thanks alot MOM"!

Today Bryce comes up to me and says "Bye, mom give me kiss...I go gym". "I needs my keys". I have a key hook where I hang all of our keys and I keep a pair of keys that are his "play" keys. So I opened the closet and got his keys off of the hook. Well he of course spots my keys and says "Ohhhhhh there mommy keys...I like yours keys. I kind of laughed because he does love my keys and I gave him his keys and he headed into the playroom. I continued on with my cleaning and then after a couple of minutes I realized that he was being awful quiet so I put down my broom and go into the playroom. Of course the door was closed so I opened the door and there was Bryce in the garage with a bucket proped up to the garage door opener, with my keys in his hand............he was caught!!!! I had caught him during his escape attempt :) So I brought him back inside and he ran over to his bean bag, sat down and hid the keys under his legs. I told him to let me have the keys or he would have to go on a time out. Then he takes the keys from under his legs and throws them on the ground and says "THANKS ALOT MOM"! I just started busting up! I had to take a second look to see if this was really my sweet, innocent little 3 year old. I couldn't believe that he said that!! I was so taken back and for a minute I felt like I was dealing with someone Shaun. It was seriously so funny! He totally amazes me with the things that he says. I could not believe that he said that! Anyway, I thought it was too funny and I wanted to write it down before I forgot.

The Funwrecker :)


Summer said...

That is too funny!! What is it about boys and keys!!

Gaylari said...

Jaime!!! I havent seen or heard from you in forever! Your kids are so cute!
I have two boys too, but theyre younger, I'm just getting to the point where I find out how much trouble they can get into. but theyre fun!!

Gaylari said...

oh yeah I'm going to add you to my blog. I wish you had pics of Rosemary's wedding and of Sharla. I havent seen any of them forever either! How are your brothers?

Angie said...

Hi Jaime! Your blog is so cute! I haven't seen you in SO long. Did you know Tom (my brother) is out in CA? He lives in Seaside. He joined the Air Force. We're coming out there in the spring. I can't wait! Your boys are so cute and you look great too. So glad you set a blog up. We'll keep in touch good now:)

Kristen said...

That is the cutest post! I love the little things they say and do.

Christina said...

fun to see you blogging now! its addicting!

WAY cute photos-you have a handsome family! your looking REALLY good too girl!

the key story is too funny..just yesterday my SWEET becca (3) i ask her":
"becca is that your pear on the ground?"
"no its anna's."
"anna is that your pear on the ground?"
"no its becca's."
"becca...pick up your pear and throw it away."
"OH DANGT!" as she picks it up--what the heck!?!? totally made me laugh!