Friday, September 21, 2007


I have been a complete slacker! I have probably clicked on my blog over 10 times this past week and everytime I just can't think of anything to write about. I am also so stumped because my camera is broken, so it's hard when you can't post pictures. Not a whole lot has been going on so I guess that's why I feel like I don't have a lot to write about. I know that I am setting myself up because whenever I say that I don't have alot going on, I seem to get bombarded with stuff. On Tuesday we had a baby shower for Erin. We got together at Mimi's Cafe and ate. It was a fun night out. I hardly ever get to get out on a week night so it was a fun night. Today I am planning on going to the girl's weekend that Summer put together. We are going out to Dana Point and spending the night in a hotel out there. I am should be alot of fun. Other than that life is pretty uneventful :) I am so excited that it is Friday!!! I love Fridays!! Fridays mean date night with Tommy (except for tonite cause I will be at the girls weekend) and I don't have to help Shaun with homework clear until Monday......yahhhhoooooo!!! I swear, I think that I get more excited about no homework then he does :) I do have to say that I don't ever remember getting as much homework as he has when I was in school. I am sure that alot of you can really is crazy! It's not just the homework packet but also the reading, math facts, and ect. ect ect. Anyway it's Friday and I excited!!! Hope everyone has a great weekend!!!


Christina said...

too funny..i was thinking OH SHOOT i havent checked jamie's blog..looks like i was never behind on reading it!! hahah

i hear ya on the homework..for the reading i just write down "the scriptures or Book of Mormon" and call it good!! i figure we ARE reading!!!

i heard about the fun GNO weekend!! SO FUN! im still trying to figure out how to be a thompson!!

the shower was too cute and way fun--

Summer said...

Hey Jaime you are such a slacker!! I can't believe you have't posted any pictures on your blog...whats your problem! Ha Ha =) ! You'll have to find a great deal on a new camera at the after Thanksgiving sales! We should have a countdown to After Thanksgiving sales on our blogs for all those who are as CRAZY for a great deal as we are!!
I had such a great time this weekend, thanks for coming! Now the trick is trying to get someone to email some pics!! Have fun this weekend and just buy a throw away camera so you have some pics!

Summer said...

Hey slacker! When are you gonna post again???

Anonymous said...

Hi Jamie! I just wanted to say "hi" and I just love you. Youre the best.

Tara said...

Hey Jaime, you're blog is so cute! I can't believe I've been so out of the loop! Summer told me all about it and said that I should make one, too, so here I am! got any tips? i can't figure out how this works, posts, pics, blogs, how the freak do you add pics? I have 1, yes ONE!! and honestly, i have no idea how i got it on there. I tried so many things and dont know which one actually worked. anyway, you guys are so cute! Hope to see you guys again soon!

Angie said...

Ok Jaime, I am starting to believe you really ARE a slacker. It's almost been a month now.

Kristen said...

We miss you jamie! Hope your doing well...we miss your updates :)

Hemphill Family said...

Hey guys. I'm glad we can keep in touch this way too. It has been way to long... You're kids are so cute. I can't believe how big Sean is.

Kari and Brian said...

Hey Jamie, Your kids are really growing up. The pictures are so cute. Hope all is well.
