Friday, February 15, 2008

My Sweetheart!!

I just love Valentines Day! I love that there is a day set aside just to show and tell our loved ones how we feel about them. I thought that it would be fun to list 5 things that I love about my here goes!

Things that I love about Tommy!

1.I love his tender heart and his desire to do what is right!
2.I love the way that he rolls his belly...(if you haven't seen this you are really missing is hilarious)!!!
3.I love that he is the best father and husband and that he cares about being really good at both of these things.
4.I love his smile, his crazy dance moves and his wild singing voice :)...he makes me laugh and I love it!
5.I love that he is compassionate, kind, funny, caring, righteous and the love of my life!

I really could go on forever! I am so blessed to have him in my life and to be able to be married to my best friend!


Emily said...

That was so sweet! Tommy is a sweetie and he married a great gal! I thought that was fun to read about you too on the post before.

Tara said...

Jaimie, I can't believe you guys will have a girl in your home (and life) soon! I'm so excited for you guys! I have a question for you though, where did you find this cute background? I need to find a site that has cute background pages so that I can checnge mine but, I have no clue of where to go! help me please. thanks

Summer said...

Hey J love the Valentine post, your a good wife, I was too sick on V day to post. I just tagged you. ha! ha! Don't worry it is a different one.